For nutrients to affect the body, they need to be absorbed through the intestines into the bloodstream before they can interact with specific targets inside and outside cells.
The intestines are coated in a moving layer of sticky mucus intended to prevent bacteria and other impurities from entering the intestine, instead expelling them from the body as waste. This mucus is a blend of water and protein. To breach this layer, a substance must be soluble in water. Moreover, as the intestinal contents are consistently propelled forward, there’s a limited window for absorption to occur. If nutrients aren’t absorbed swiftly enough, they will just be expelled from the body.

The left glass displays regular Curcumin powder (10,000nm) put into water. Despite stirring, it doesn’t dissolve. This mirrors its behaviour in the intestines, where it stays atop the mucus layer without being absorbed. Meanwhile, the right glass contains an equal quantity of the identical Curcumin, but it’s been converted into water-soluble nanoparticles using our innovative CleanCurcumin™ and NanoFluidic™ technologies.

Curcumin, the most extensively studied therapeutic substance globally, has proven advantages for conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and pain. However, its insolubility in water means the body cannot effectively take it in.