Health Coach

I’m Lindsay

A Life Chosen guides you to discover your own unique optimal health & wellness journey. Your DNA gives you many clues to work with. Experience the wonder of watching your body heal itself given the right tools.  Come and learn how to create your own life by your own design and find the best, happiest and healthiest you. 

About me

I grew up on a large rose farm in Zimbabwe and had a very unfortunate chemical accident at 2 years of age when I fell into a large galvanised tub of insecticide ready mixed to spray the thousands of rose trees.  Nothing was ever done about it so at 40 I was dying of organophosphate & environmental poisoning. It’s a miraculous story too long to relate now but thanks to natural approaches which treat the cause and not the symptom I was able to heal completely.

I now live and love every day of my new healthy, natural, energised amazing life.

I certainly learnt first-hand the power of nature and our bodies own natural healing ability.

I had to walk the walk so I could talk the talk.

My own children were born 42 and 39 years ago with gluten and lactose intolerance later to find I had them too.  My sons  were called non thriving babies and so my own journey began into this unfamiliar territory to find ways to keep them alive.

Why you need this

Never before has being & feeling  healthy mattered as much as now – post Covid and the “jab”.

On mass world wide people suffered a spontaneous inflammatory storm and some so severe they died or suffered loved ones dying.  Many have never felt “back to normal”. Is that your story?

So where do you start to find your better & best health and energy.  Take responsibility for your own well being and life and watch your body & life transform just by knowing what to do and when .  If this is the question you are asking then you are in the right place.

I will guide you on your own individual journey  and you will be able to do it without breaking the bank. 

All you need is to really want to do it and get the rewards of committing to it and changing what needs to change.

I think we are all used to change by now.

My Coaching Journey

28 years ago I was assigned the job to encourage health practitioners of all kinds to embrace a more natural approach to chronic disease.  I introduced them to the best international products and concepts in homeopathy, Chinese medicine, functional medicine and now genetic testing. 

I also had the honour of creating the first prototype of the Natural Medicine department in a huge pharmacy chain ‘Dischem’ in South Africa.  

What we all suffer from on our beautiful planet now is environmental poisoning and toxic exposure.  Our bodies are harmed daily with an overload of pharmaceutical drugs, toxins of every kind, unnecessary vaccines, heavy metals, plastics, pesticides, human waste & excessive pollution on land, in our seas and air. 

I can show you how to help your unique body heal itself naturally which is the real healing and how to choose to live in a clean, vibrant healthy body and mind. As a bonus I am connected with the most gifted doctors of all kinds, word wide if you need them.


‭+27 (82) 709-7209‬


Unit 8, Larola Terraces, Larola Road, Clarens, SA

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